Lab - Snowsports Industries America

Step Two: Build Your Climate Action Plan

Let us help you get to where you need to be on climate

SIA’s ClimateUnited Lab: A Resource For Every Winter Outdoor Business

SIA’s ClimateUnited Lab supports businesses anywhere along their climate journey. The Lab provides the framework, resources and guidance for every company, large or small, to execute their own climate strategy – prioritizing advocacy and leadership alongside emissions reductions.

These resources are free to every SIA member.

Here’s What You’ll Find In SIA’s ClimateUnited Lab:

SIA’s ClimateUnited Academy
  • We’ve produced a library of masterclass-style videos; approachable conversations with outdoor industry peers who are leading the way on various aspects of climate action, sharing their expertise to help get you started on your climate journey. This platform will accelerate learning, quickly bringing anyone from climate novice to climate professional.
The 1.5C Business Playbook
  • The 1.5C Business Playbook provides a flexible pathway and action steps that help you to design an action plan that meets you where you are, focusing on Reducing Emissions, Business Strategy and Influencing Societal Change.
Tools & Resources
  • The Lab contains a mountain of practical tools and resources, technical guidance, impactful nonprofits, vetted consultants, essential reading, and an event calendar with a schedule of monthly workshops.
Advocacy Opportunities
  • Reducing our own emissions isn't nearly enough. Our $79 billion industry must use our influence by advocating for new climate policies, changing the system we operate in. Every ClimateUnited business will have opportunities to be a consistent presence on Capitol Hill and at the state level, engaging with policy makers on climate and energy policies.
A Platform For Collaboration
  • The Climate Lab is where our industry collaborates to address challenges, share ideas and learn from colleagues who are tackling the same issues. Collaboration with industry peers is the most powerful tool we have to accelerate our industry's collective progress.

Access SIA's ClimateUnited Lab

Free to SIA members only

Access the ClimateUnited Lab
ClimateUnited Lab

Not an SIA Member Yet?

Email Gregg Thayer

Membership Relations and Business Development

[email protected]

Interested, but have questions?

Email Chris Steinkamp

SIA Head of Advocacy

[email protected]