Outdoor Business Climate Partnership - Snowsports Industries America

Outdoor Business Climate Partnership

The Outdoor Industry - United Together Against Climate Change

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The Outdoor Industry Can Be The Catalyst For Movement On Climate Change.

The outdoor recreation industry is compelled to act on climate change as it is impacting our environment, our business, and our way of life. The seasons are shifting, weather events are more variable and unpredictable, and natural disasters from floods to wildfires are more extreme. The $788 billion outdoor recreation industry is coming together because our individual actions will not be enough to achieve a stable climate.

Now is the time for bipartisan solutions on climate change. Strong climate policy must be a priority for all elected officials, and taking meaningful action to reduce emissions must be a priority for our members. Future generations should be able to enjoy the outdoors, and we should be stewards of their future. This is why the National Ski Areas Association, the Outdoor Industry Association and SIA have come together to form the Outdoor Business Climate Partnership.

The Outdoor Business Climate Partnership represents thousands of manufacturers, outdoor retailers, resorts, suppliers and sales reps across the country. Our businesses, our customers and the nearly 150 million Americans who participate in outdoor activities each year are dependent on a stable climate and have a vested interest in being part of the solution.

So we’re doing our part. Standing together, bound by our passion for outdoor recreation. This goes beyond political parties. This includes all communities, no matter where you live or what work you do. The outdoor industry is uniquely positioned to find the common ground to help solve this complex issue.

Our mission is to work collaboratively to elevate the business voice of the $788 billion outdoor industry to drive bipartisan action on climate.

Our Principles:

We support the Build Back Better agenda and using all of these policy tools to position our country for a successful, net-zero future and support a healthy, outdoor recreation experience for all.

Our Recent Work:

Joint letter to the Senate Climate Solutions Caucus, March 2022

Joint letter to the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, April 2021The Outdoor Business Climate Partnership Presents: Climate Advocacy in 2021 (January, 2021)

House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis (July, 2020)

The Outdoor Business Climate Partnership Joins 330 Businesses Calling for Climate Action (May 2020)

Snow Show Daily: “The Pulse/Kickoff Breakfast” (January, 2020)

Braun/Coons: Senate Climate Change Caucus (October, 2019)

Fortune Magazine:  “CEO’s Lobbied For A National Price on Carbon. We listened.” (June, 2019)

Letter to Majority Leader McConnell (May, 2019)

Letter to Speaker Pelosi (May, 2019)

Snow Show Daily: “A New Era” (Jan. 2019)

CERES: “Major Companies Call On US Congress To Set A National Price On Carbon” (May 2019)

SIA, NSAA, OIA Join Over 76 Companies Advocating For A Price on Carbon (May, 2019)

OBCP Launch Press Release (January, 2019)