ClimateUnited Week - “Identifying, Creating and Sharing Sustainability Stories From Within Your Brand” - Snowsports Industries America

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ClimateUnited Week - “Identifying, Creating and Sharing Sustainability Stories From Within Your Brand”

(Past) April 20, 202111:00am MT

ClimateUnited Week - “Identifying, Creating and Sharing Sustainability Stories From Within Your Brand”

SIA’s ClimateUnited Week, in partnership with The Underswell

Today’s winter outdoor industry consumers are asking what brands are doing in the areas of sustainability and climate change. What you share and the tone you use can go a long way toward establishing authenticity and credibility. Salomon learned this in recent years as it began to weave sustainability topics into more of its consumer-facing brand stories via creative content, athletes and product development.

Host: Derek Sabori, The Underswell

Guest: Tim Sweeney, Global Storytelling & Communications Lead, Salomon