Learn how to Crawl, Walk and Run with eCommerce - Snowsports Industries America

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Learn how to Crawl, Walk and Run with eCommerce

(Past) June 3, 202110:00am MT

Learn how to Crawl, Walk and Run with eCommerce

Just starting out in eCommerce? Or maybe you are expanding? Either way, you likely have a lot of questions. Where do you start? What solution is best for your business? What makes the most sense for my business and audience?

Join our webinar ‘Learn how to Crawl, Walk and Run with eCommerce’ to find out what it takes to move beyond brick and mortar and have a profitable distribution channel with eCommerce.

Starting or investing further in eCommerce may seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. You can start small and grow as you need. We are here to help you rise above the noise and learn actionable and cost-effective next steps you can take.

Join us and learn about:

  • What you need to do to get started with eCommerce– and what you need to expand
  • Different eCommerce solutions like Shopify and Magento, and which option is right for your business
  • What you can do to scale and optimize your distribution channels
  • How to scale on marketplaces like Amazon and retailer sites
  • Steps to automate your inventory updates and manage delivery and fulfillment

Brandy Alexander-Wimberly is Managing Partner at Spaceshop Commerce, an SIA member and Digital + Commerce firm that specializes in helping brands, retailers and destinations integrate ecommerce into their digital channels.