Let’s Get Real: 5 Actionable Ways to Increase Your Inclusive Leader Skills - Snowsports Industries America

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Let’s Get Real: 5 Actionable Ways to Increase Your Inclusive Leader Skills

(Past) October 21, 202012:00pm MT

Let’s Get Real: 5 Actionable Ways to Increase Your Inclusive Leader Skills

So much change has happened so fast. Between the consequences of COVID, the racial justice reckoning, the rise of #MeToo and so much more, leaders at every level are asking themselves how they can be part of the solution for a new and better world.

Are you wondering how to make progress on your journey to be more inclusive? Are you eager to get the insight and action you need to make a difference within your company and across the snowsports industry overall?

Join Corey Jones and Lisen Stromberg of PrismWork during an hour-long virtual workshop to get real strategies to increase your knowledge and confidence when it comes to navigating issues of race, gender, and other forms of diversity. We’ll explore the core competencies of a 21st Century Leader, give you insights to shift your perspective, and actionable tools to be the change in this new world of work, life, and leisure.

What You’ll Learn:
• What’s changed and why it matters to you
• How shifting your mindset from scarcity to Abundance can reap benefits for you as an inclusive, 21st century leader
• The core competencies of a 21st century leader and how you can be the kind of leader we all need

Presentation and resources can be found here: PrismWork SIA Webinar 10_21 Final