Outdoor Retailer Snow Show - Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022 - Day 0 - Snowsports Industries America

Education Event

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Outdoor Retailer Snow Show - Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022 - Day 0

(Past) January 25, 20222:00pm MT

Outdoor Retailer Snow Show - Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022 - Day 0
  • 1:00 pm MST – The Winter Consumer: A Deep Dive Into the Trends and Perceptions of the Current & Future Snowsports Consumers
  • 2:00 pm MST – Empowering Nonprofits: How Brands Can Help Nonprofits Do Their Best Work, presented by the High Fives Foundation
  • 3:00 pm MST – Navigating Today’s Supply Chain Issues and Preparing for Tomorrow
  • 4-6:00 pm MST – The Mingler at Former Saints in the Hyatt Regency, presented by Outdoor Retailer and Snowsports Industries America

For more information on each session and to see the full Industry + Intelligence schedule during Outdoor Retailer Snow Show 2022, click here.

All OR Snow Show education events are in MR 400s at the Colorado Convention Center – in order to attend these sessions you must be registered for Outdoor Retailer Snow Show. Registration details can be found here.