Snowsports Industries America Announces Snowbound Consumer Expos - Snowsports Industries America

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Snowsports Industries America Announces Snowbound Consumer Expos

February 5, 2020 | 0 Comments



Snowsports Industries America Announces Snowbound Consumer Expos
Agreement Finalized, New Name and Brand Launched 

DENVER, CO (January 31, 2020). Today, Snowsports Industries America (SIA) announced the finalization of their acquisition of the Denver and Boston Ski and Snowboard Expos from BEWI Productions, Inc. and launched the re-branded events as SNOWBOUND.

Following up on the preliminary agreement made in November 2019, SIA made it official today, with a new brand name, and preliminary details of each event outlined at

The two SNOWBOUND events (Denver, CO: November 6-8, 2020 and Boston, MA: November 19-22) provide two key opportunities before the start of the winter season to interact with highly motivated and engaged winter consumers. According to Expedia, “74 percent of Americans prioritize experiences over products or things and eight out of every ten outdoor participants want to try a new outdoor activity.” Snowbound adds a fresh, new twist on these traditional winter expos, with more brands, more consumers, and more activities.  A platform with highly interactive and experiential opportunities for brands and consumers alike, Snowbound will be the biggest and best celebration of the entire winter outdoor lifestyle and culture and an opportunity for brands, resorts, and retailers to create direct interactions with in-market winter outdoor consumers.

“The BEWI brand has established these two events as the unofficial kickoffs to winter,” said SIA’s President Nick Sargent.  It’s our goal to build on these long-standing winter expos with a pair of events that truly bring the progressive and innovative nature of the entire winter outdoor community to life.”

Registration for exhibitors opens on March 1, 2020, and June 1, 2020, for non-industry.  Check for current pricing, key dates, and other information.

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