We are on the front lines of climate change. With every record-breaking year of warmer temperatures, our industry becomes more and more vulnerable. With the visible and economic impacts and the undisputable scientific consensus, our responsibility is clear.
The next decade is critical. Science tells us that our carbon emissions need to be cut in half by 2030 and entirely by 2050, at the very latest. There is no time to wait.
With meeting those dates as our goal, the challenge begins now. Starting in 2020, together as an industry, we will make a firm commitment to beat climate change in less than thirty years, and in doing so, seize an opportunity to create a more stable, inclusive and resilient industry for the future.
This decade kicks off with ClimateUnited; an industry-wide commitment and a holistic approach to climate action with a roadmap that provides every winter outdoor company with the guidance to lead by reducing carbon emissions, integrating positive climate impact into your business strategy, and being a powerful, nonpartisan voice for strong climate policy.
ClimateUnited is a focused approach to climate action – a two-part initiative that unites companies around a set of commitments in the ClimateUnited Pact, and then for the companies that want specific guidance to meet those commitments, we provide a proven roadmap, tools and resources to facilitate their journey. Our mission is to galvanize winter outdoor industry businesses around meaningful and focused climate action, and guide them along the way.