Climate - Snowsports Industries America


ClimateUnited Is A Platform To Unite The Winter Outdoor Industry Around Meaningful Climate Action

We are on the front lines of climate change. With every record-breaking year of warmer temperatures, our industry becomes more and more vulnerable. With the visible and economic impacts and the undisputable scientific consensus, our responsibility is clear.

The next decade is critical. Science tells us that our carbon emissions need to be cut in half by 2030 and entirely by 2050, at the very latest. There is no time to wait.

With meeting those dates as our goal, the challenge begins now. Starting in 2020, together as an industry, we will make a firm commitment to beat climate change in less than thirty years, and in doing so, seize an opportunity to create a more stable, inclusive and resilient industry for the future.

This decade kicks off with ClimateUnited; an industry-wide commitment and a holistic approach to climate action with a roadmap that provides every winter outdoor company with the guidance to lead by reducing carbon emissions, integrating positive climate impact into your business strategy, and being a powerful, nonpartisan voice for strong climate policy.

ClimateUnited is a focused approach to climate action – a two-part initiative that unites companies around a set of commitments in the ClimateUnited Pact, and then for the companies that want specific guidance to meet those commitments, we provide a proven roadmap, tools and resources to facilitate their journey. Our mission is to galvanize winter outdoor industry businesses around meaningful and focused climate action, and guide them along the way.

Why Commit?

Protecting Our Planet, Responding to Our Consumers, Strengthening Our Industry

  • Our planet is getting warmer, threatening not just our snowpack, but increasing the number of climate-fueled wildfires, droughts and increasingly devastating storms, threatening the permanent health of our planet, and to life as we know it.
  • Our $76 billion industry is dependent on consistent winter seasons which have already become shorter and more volatile. The northern hemisphere has already lost over a million square miles of spring snowpack (Rutgers) and under current emissions scenarios, virtually every location in the U.S is projected to see some reductions in winter recreation season lengths, exceeding 50% by 2050 and 80% in 2090 for some downhill skiing locations (C. Wobus et al., 2017)
  • Climate impacts are already disrupting business across our supply chains and retail networks. Addressing climate change minimizes business risk, while improving efficiency and reducing costs over time.
  • 77% of Americans studied (and 82% 18-34 year olds) prefer to purchase from brands that prioritize efforts to fight climate change over brands that do not (Harris, 2020)
  • Our customers are using their buying power to drive change, demanding that brands lead on issues they value. Millennials, one of the largest generations in history (83 million) are moving into their prime spending years, with projected annual spending of $1.4 trillion, representing 30% of total U.S. retail sales (Accenture).
  • In a 2018 study, 70% of millennials care a great deal about climate change (Gallup) and 87% of them measure the success of a company based on standards that extend beyond financial measures to include social and environmental performance (Harvard).

Our industry has a responsibility to protect our planet and the ecosystems on which we depend, and a business opportunity to become more efficient and profitable. But with under thirty years to achieve zero-carbon emissions, we cannot afford to wait any longer.

“Climate change has become a defining factor
in companies' long-term prospects.”

Larry Fink, CEO Blackrock

Our Industry's Commitment

The Global Climate Pact

The Global Climate Pact is a set of five achievable principles that will show our industry’s collective commitment and leadership to meaningfully address climate change. The Global Climate Pact has been co-created by SIA and the Winter Sports Sustainability Network (WSN)  to unite the global winter sports industry to address the climate crisis head-on.

We are on the front lines. We acknowledge that climate change will impact our industry’s future and are using our brand recognition and industry organizations to propel systemic change. We must align our global industry on a set of principles focused on systemic change and set an example for others to follow.

The Pact is open to any winter outdoor business. For those who have not meaningfully addressed climate yet, making this commitment is your first step. For the businesses that already have climate action plans, joining The Pact is an over-arching signal of leadership and our industry’s unity.

Here’s Why:

  • Exemplify unity and ambition as an industry. Showing our industry’s unity on these bold goals is a clear demonstration that we’re serious about urgently acting on climate change. The Global Climate Pact unites our our entire global industry around climate action and aligns us on a set of meaningful steps forward, while sending a strong signal to other businesses, and to our consumers that the winter outdoor industry is committed to meeting the challenge.
  • Influence other businesses. The only way that we’ll solve climate change is if every business in our industry takes action and aligns on meaningful commitments. This momentum influences other businesses to do the same, and stepping up and aligned as one, we can wield a great deal of influence.
  • Collaboration, Mentorship & Action. Through monthly discussions and workshops with industry peers and topical experts, SIA will facilitate collective problem-solving and mentorship amongst the group. Sharing best practices and ideas, we’ll look within to accelerate our collective progress. 
  • Recognition. SIA’s ClimateUnited Pact is a signal of commitment to our industry, consumers and the media.


SIA’s ClimateUnited Pact has meaningful accountability to ensure that we are all aligned on a set of goals that will drive our progress forward. We ask that all signatories agree to the following principles and submit a plan to meet these principles to SIA within 12 months of signing. Only winter outdoor industry businesses that can make their best efforts to follow through on this ambition should join The Global Climate Pact.

The Global Climate Pact

“As a winter outdoor industry, we are publicly formalizing our commitment and building unity with our peers to address climate change and signal our commitment to a zero-emissions future. We will make our best efforts to address the following principles:”

Recognizing that our industry contributes to the climate crisis, and are therefore publicly addressing climate change as a top management priority for our business
Focusing our best efforts to meet the science-based targets: reducing our emissions 50% by 2030 and becoming 100% net-zero before 2050
Committing to work with your supply chain partners to meaningfully reduce emissions from product manufacturing and transportation
Leveraging our influence to advocate for state, federal and international climate policy
Aligning our business strategy with climate science integrating positive climate impact in our corporate values and mission, investment portfolio, consumer marketing and product R&D
Sharing progress to SIA annually, to enable aggregated recognition of our industry’s progress and inspire more businesses to join us

Be A Committed Business. Join SIA's ClimateUnited Industry Pact.

All signatories are required to share their climate action plans with SIA within twelve months of joining.

Join the Pact

Committed Businesses

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Begin Your Journey To Climate Leadership

ClimateUnited empowers winter outdoor businesses to lead on climate by focusing on three key areas: emissions reductions/clean energy, political advocacy and building a culture of climate action throughout your company.


ClimateUnited is SIA’s optional climate action platform, developed for SIA members that want guidance to effectively address climate change, providing guidance and valuable resources for any company of any size to lead on climate change.

If you’re an SIA member that wants guidance to lead on climate, please take the journey with us.

Emissions Reductions
Political Advocacy
Responsible Business

The 1.5C Business Playbook

ClimateUnited is modeled on the “1.5C Business Playbook,” developed by Exponential Roadmap, a proven approach already being used by businesses worldwide, large and small that want to align with the science-based targets in a realistic and achievable way. It is a roadmap for any company; a holistic approach to climate action broken down into four achievable action pillars. It is focused on simplicity and speed and allows each company the flexibility to build a plan that works for your business, on your terms.

ClimateUnited leverages our best resources to solve the climate crisis: Use our businesses. Use our voices.

The Four Impact Pillars


Reduce Your 
Own Emissions

Start implementing use of renewable energy, fuel and electricity for all operations and buildings. Goal: 50% reduction in the first ten years and halve them every decade to reach net-zero before 2050.


Reduce Emissions In Your Supply Chain

Use your influence to align your supply chain partners with the science-based targets and reduce their emissions accordingly.


Integrate Climate Into Your Business Strategy

Cultivate a culture of climate action. Become a climate-first busines with bold, vocal leaders. Empower your employees and customers, review your business strategy, vision and mission, investments, consumer marketing and product innovation.


Advocate For Climate Policy

Use your voice. Advocate for meaningful state, federal and international climate policy.

How This Works

1. Commit

SIA's ClimateUnited Pact unifies the winter outdoor industry around a set of achievable principles, indicating your commitment and intent.

2. Measure & Plan

Measure your emissions and create a climate action plan aligned with the four pillars and the science-based roadmap outlined by the 1.5 C Business Playbook.

3. Execute. Access The ClimateUnited Lab

SIA's ClimateUnited Lab provides educational resources, tools and vetted business and nonprofit partners to help members achieve the benchmarks outlined in their individual plans.

4. Report & Be Recognized

We’ll recognize the industry’s progress amongst industry peers, consumers and to the media, annually at the OR+Snow Show and Snowbound Festivals.


We provide the focused roadmap for every winter outdoor company to lead on climate. We’ll also guide you along the way with valuable resources, tools and opportunities to help you accelerate solutions and make an impact.

SIA's ClimateUnited Lab

SIA's ClimateUnited Lab provides educational resources, tools and vetted business and nonprofit partners to help members achieve the benchmarks outlined in their individual plans.

The ClimateUnited Academy

SIA's ClimateUnited Academy is a library of masterclass video content to be viewed at your own pace; specific bite-sized education on critical topics to guide businesses along their journey to climate leadership.

Collaboration & Mentorship

Many businesses within our industry are already addressing some of the challenges we're facing. Therefore, we will host monthly participant-only worksessions to open the dialogue and connect particpants, as well as moderate the Collaboration Hub, open-source sharing and communication framework. In total, we will foster transparency and collaboration amongst industry peers to help identify and amplify best practices, strengthen existing efforts, and fast-track progress.

Impact Challenges

How can we all work together to drive change? Throughout the year, we'll invite participating companies to take part in challenges to drive our collective impact in areas that include: reducing supply chain emissions, renewable energy, advocacy and philanthropy.

Advocacy Opportunities

Alongside our partners at the Outdoor Business Climate Partnership (NSAA & OIA), we will provide federal and state advocacy opportunities for participating companies during the year, including online and in-person lobbying.

Accountability & Recognition

Participating companies will be required to submit an annual progress report so we track and manage goals and enable aggregated recognition of our industry's achievements.

Engage Your Consumers

Your consumers want to support brands that share their values. They also want to go on the journey with you.

  • ClimateUnited is a consumer-facing seal that you can use to show your commitment and engage your consumers along this journey with you
  • Once you’ve made the commitment and submitted your plan, you can use the logo in your marketing efforts to showcase your commitment amongst current and future consumers, and employees
  • Participating companies will have the opportunity to engage consumers through our
    2021 Snowbound Festivals and Snowbound digital platform, reaching hundreds of
    thousands of winter outdoor enthusiasts

Member Benefits

Industry Leadership

Be an industry leader against climate change and inspire others to join you. Join SIA's ClimateUnited Pact.

A Proven Framework

The 1.5C Business Playbook is a proven framework, free to every SIA member, which will help you focus on the areas that matter most and build a plan that works best for your business.

Valuable Resources & Tools

SIA's ClimateUnited Lab is an online resource to guide every company along their journey to net-zero, delivering on-demand content, valuable tools and vetted business and nonprofit partners in a way that meets you where you are.

Collaboration & Mentorship

Sharing data and best practices with colleagues across our industry is the only way to really drive progress. SIA's Collaboration Hub and our monthly participant-only work sessions foster sharing of best practices, and collaboration to accelerate our collective impact.

Company Recognition

SIA will track our industry's progress and publicly recognize our collective impact and select case studies each year at the OR+Snow Show and Snowbound consumer festivals.

Consumer Engagement

At our 2021 Snowbound Festivals and Snowbound digital platform, we will amplify the businesses that have take the lead on climate with us.

Begin Your Jouney To Climate Leadership

Sign Up To Receive The 1.5C Business Playbook and Access SIA's ClimateUnited Lab

Sign Up Here

Contact Us

We’re here to help you. If you have any questions, please contact us.

[email protected]

SIA’s Climate Council Advisors:

Alex Adema, President & CEO, DPS Skis
Matthew Banks, Associate Director, Energy & Sustainability, Guidehouse
Rachel Grogan, Sr. Director, Global Supply Chain, Burton Snowboards
Matt Jacobs, Sustainability Manager, Darn Tough Vermont
Chris Valiante, Founder, 22 Designs


As members of the Outdoor Business Climate Partnership, we support the climate action platforms of the National Ski Areas Association (Climate Challenge) and the Outdoor Industry Association (Climate Action Corps) and urge our members to explore those options as well.