December Update from SIA's President - Snowsports Industries America

Industry News

December Update from SIA's President

January 3, 2017 | 0 Comments

Happy first day of winter!

I hope you are enjoying the snow falling all across the country.

We are looking forward to hosting you in Colorado in just a few short weeks, where we hope you’ll join us at the biggest annual winter industry gathering. We’re eager to meet face-to-face and talk through all of the exciting new changes in motion at SIA and the great opportunities we see for the industry! 

As we near the Snow Show, I want to underscore the importance of this annual assembly of the winter industry. Thankfully it’s snowing coast to coast – creating a moment to celebrate AND remind us of the importance of meeting in person, as we get business done and discuss the challenges at hand.  We can’t continue to take these gatherings for granted or assume that others will address the issues that burden the entire industry. It’s easy to say it’s someone else’s problem. It’s hard – and fulfilling – work to engage and be part of the solution. The Snow Show is a time for us to come together and start the heavy lifting of finding solutions for the entire industry. So, I invite all of you to join us in Denver. Not only will you see the beginnings of a new Snow Show, but we will be discussing the topics at hand, including an open-to-the-public Annual Meeting on the Show floor 5pm on January 28th. 

And for those that say it’s too hard, here are a few ways we have tried to make it easier for you to take part:

  1. New Registration System. We have a new system in place that allows you to register now, print your badges in advance, and avoid the lines! You can also register and pay for your On Snow Demo attendance, as well as sign your waiver. One con of a new system is that we need you to input all of your personal information. We anticipate this will create longer than normal lines on-site, so we appreciate your patience in advance.  Key take away:  Pre-register!
  1. Affordable Hotel Rates. SIA has negotiated lots of affordable lodging options around the Convention Center. To make sure you’re taking advantage of them, be sure to book through SIA’s official partner On Peak, as there are several imposters out there looking to take your lodging dollars. On Peak’s rates are better than Expedia,, etc. Click on the link on for more information and to book your rooms. And if you are still without a room at Copper for the On Snow Demo, there are fewer than 20 rooms still available in the SIA block! To reserve, please call: 1.866.837.2996 and mention Code: 2809 to get the special SIA rates. Key take away:  There are still cheap rooms available, but book soon!
  1. Cheap Airfare. Not only are there still affordable rooms to be had, there are ridiculously cheap airfares to be found! For all of you on the east coast that say it’s too expensive to come, a colleague just booked a plane ticket today round trip from New York City to Denver for $257. And another booked a ticket from Minneapolis to Denver for $155 round trip! For less than two, two-day tickets to Disney Land, you can fly round trip to Denver, stay the night and get your business done at the Show. So, what is your excuse for not coming? Key take away:  Take advantage of low cost airline tickets!
  1. Easy Transportation. Worried about getting to/from Copper? We’ve got you covered, as CME is offering On Snow Demo participants a special $35 shuttle ride from the Hyatt Regency to Copper; and a $55 rate from Copper to the Denver airport. To take advantage of this deal, Attendees MUST CALL CME: 970.754.7433 and reference Group Discount Code: SIASNOW17. Also keep in mind that all rides must be booked 12 hours in ADVANCE! And, don’t forget about the slick new Denver Airport Rail. I’ve taken the $9 ride from the airport to downtown Denver and will no doubt be doing it again. Key take away:  Book your Copper shuttle now and take advantage of the Airport Rail!
  1. Free Data, Insights and Intel. If you only have two days to spend at the Snow Show, be sure to make the most of them by attending Industry + Intelligence Day on January 25th. We have a wide variety of presentations built specifically to better educate and serve our members and the attendees of the Snow Show. From State of the Industry data, to social marketing, to resources for small businesses, it’s a day you should not miss!  Key take away:  Make sure you are in Denver as early as Jan 25th! 
  1. We Want to Hear From You. Lastly, in effort to better serve you and continue to evolve the Snow Show, we want your feedback! Please take 5 minutes to complete this survey: Key take away: Your opinion matters. We can’t read your mind, so share your thoughts!

So, there you have it! You have no excuse to not come join us in Denver this January. For more SIA Snow Show specific information, Visit Denver has put together this for us: so you have access to dining, transportation beta and more. All the other Snow Show information can be found here: 

In all sincerity, we want you there. The industry needs you there. There are few reasons why not to come, and many more reasons why you should come. To have everyone gathered under one roof is priceless – not only for your business, but for the growth of the industry.    

See you in January,

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