ClimateUnited Week - “Carbon Reporting: Are We Ready, Where Do We Start?” - Snowsports Industries America

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ClimateUnited Week - “Carbon Reporting: Are We Ready, Where Do We Start?”

(Past) April 21, 202111:00am MT

ClimateUnited Week - “Carbon Reporting: Are We Ready, Where Do We Start?”

SIA’s ClimateUnited Week, in partnership with The Underswell

So we’ve talked about the why, we know the time is now, and you’ve laid some groundwork, but we can’t improve upon what we don’t measure. It’s time to quantify. What’s your carbon footprint? What’s the difference between Scope 1, 2, and 3? What’s required to undertake a carbon assessment, and is your team ready?

Host: Derek Sabori, The Underswell

Guest: Austin Whitman, CEO, Climate Neutral