Inclusion Training - Session 13 with Dr. Gerilyn Davis - Snowsports Industries America

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Inclusion Training – Session 13 with Dr. Gerilyn Davis

December 3, 2020 | 0 Comments

December 3, 2020

Hello SIA members,

I do hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving last week!! We took a break on the sessions and were able to spend time with family and friends. One of the many things that I have come to enjoy about Thanksgiving is the emphasis on connection and that one of the most basic frameworks where we learn inclusive behaviors is within our families.

Most often on holidays it is also a time in which stories are told. As you have been divulging into understanding various points of views and even more so crafting authentic activity for the quarter, these are the times in which we begin to share what we have been learning.

For the next phase of the SWORD Inclusion system, activities involve making the overall quarterly focus more digestible. In this phase, take time to determine what goals can be established within each month of the quarter that will assist us in achieving our goals and creating more inclusivity.

Every time you expose yourself to a perspective that you wouldn’t normally have, you are on an inclusive journey. Inclusion is nothing more than expansion beyond ourselves. We just have to be intentional with this behavior.

The quarterly goals are small steps that we can take that creates a shift to make the wintersports industry more inclusive. When thinking about your goals, don’t be afraid to engage in a bit of trial and error. Inclusion entails starting with qualitative efforts and resulting in quantitative output. Therefore, inclusion is a process.

Take a look at Russell Winfield’s video as you are continuing to understand how to embed more inclusivity in your life and within your organization.

Hope you had an awesome holiday!

Dr. Gerilyn Davis ([email protected])


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