Inclusion Training - Session 17 with Dr. Gerilyn Davis: Action Research Cycles 5.1 - Snowsports Industries America

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Inclusion Training – Session 17 with Dr. Gerilyn Davis: Action Research Cycles 5.1

January 14, 2021 | 0 Comments

January 14, 2021

Hello Everyone,

Now that we have taken the time to establish the goals that we will utilize for our inclusion activities, we can use our strengths and our why to influence our ability to create an inclusive culture. We will now expand our efforts and hold ourselves accountable for creating change.

For inclusion to be sustainable and for transformation to occur, inclusion becomes embedded in daily habits. By taking action consistently, observing the results of the action taken, and reflecting on what’s felt in those moments, we can craft a holistic approach to inclusion.

When we incorporate the mind, body, soul, and emotions behavioral shifts are more accessible. In this instance, we appreciate our current lived experiences in which we can have gratitude for how far we have come and continue to take action.

In this session, we will partake in action research that allows us to bring our whole selves to our efforts. I will utilize example scenarios to demonstrate action research cycles that concentrate on fostering more inclusion. As we’ve discussed this topic for some time, we are more than prepared to move to the next level.

Please feel free to watch the webinar attached that covers the details of utilizing action research.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. I would love to hear your perspective – [email protected].

Have a fantastic day!

Dr. Gerilyn Davis

Download: SIA Educational PHASE FIVE AR Cycles 5.1 – 5.10

PHASE FIVE Action Research Cycles

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