Industry + Intelligence Expands with New Collaboration Between SIA and NSAA - Snowsports Industries America

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Industry + Intelligence Expands with New Collaboration Between SIA and NSAA

October 19, 2015 | 0 Comments

We’re looking forward to Industry + Intelligence at the 2016 SIA Snow Show on Wednesday, January 27!


Industry + Intelligence has expanded this year with a new collaboration between SIA and NSAA, helping attendees get a comprehensive view of the entire industry. This cooperative effort gives all facets of the industry, including suppliers, retailers and resorts, a better handle on their customers’ needs. The industry day is scheduled to have nearly 20 sessions covering five core intel tracks – State of the Industry, Manufacturing and Production, Business Development, Marketing & Social Media, and the Specialty Retailer Series. 

The expanded educational day includes a seminar led by NSAA’s research guru, Nate Fristoe of RRC Associates. Fristoe will present the RRC research project on Millennial consumers. 

“There are so many stereotypes regarding Millennials in the marketplace. We have focused on producing research that quantifies the true potential of this guest segment while grounding those observations with empirical evidence,” Fristoe said.

SIA Research Director Kelly Davis will be presenting her wildly popular State of the Industry Report, and Davis and Fristoe will also be co-presenting a seminar about snow sports consumers.


“NSAA is sharing more than 140,000 on-hill interviews with us, which helps us clearly understand the snow sports consumer at a granular level we’ve never been able to reach before,” Davis said. “This includes full demographics – it’s a pretty amazing data set. The collaboration alone has been so valuable. The information they’ve given us has opened up a whole new view. Plus, now the supply side and the resort side get the same picture – how cool is that?” 

Details for the day-long educational offerings, market intelligence, networking opportunities, keynote speakers and social gatherings are unfolding at so check back for updates. In the meantime, enjoy some highlights below to get inspired & save the date for #SIAintel at #SIA16! This event is not to be missed!

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Industry + Intelligence #SIAintel | January 27, 2016. from SnowSports Industries America on Vimeo.

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