Marching Into Spring… - Snowsports Industries America

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Marching Into Spring…

March 11, 2016 | 0 Comments

I don’t know about you – but around these parts of northern New England, winter was a flash in the pan.  With the change in temperatures comes that mental shift that tells us it’s time to dig out our bikes from storage and drop them at the local shop for a tune up.

So it’s time to look at some creative ideas to freshen up our winter weary displays.  But, first things first.  I beg of you to take down holiday lights and finally toss the now brittle and brown wreath that’s hanging above your front door if you haven’t already.  Some things like fine wines get better with age – Christmas decorations in mid-March…not so much.

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Ok, now we can start spring displays with a clean slate.  Trips to the drug store, hardware store and dollar store never disappoint when I am scheming some fresh spring window display ideas.  Without spending a lot of time and/or money I have some fun themes you can run with to welcome in the spring season.

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The upcoming Easter holiday is an obvious choice for a current window display.  I do know from experience that marshmallow Peeps make an excellent window prop.  They have a shelf life of like, forever.  And you can do so many things with them.  Mainly they are colorful and who doesn’t love Peeps.  They will definitely draw people into your store (and sometimes mice into your front windows, but that’s another story). 

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I found these books at the local Rite Aid pharmacy.  To buy one or two to use as props won’t break the bank.  I like the one about dog–friendly New England.  I picture a window display featuring either dog toys and accessories like leashes, etc. or footwear and lightweight jackets new for spring that would be great for walking the dog in warmer temp’s. 

I also liked the book on maple “sugarin’” in Vermont.  The sugaring season is a symbol of spring in the green mountain state.  Integrating something that defines your environment is an excellent way to go when mapping out window displays.  Make the local seasonal connection. 


Green things shout spring.  The hardware store had rows of seed packets.  While each packet costs around .99, buying enough of them to make a statement in a window can add up.  But what if you found seed packet images online and printed a bunch of color copies – enough to make our own wallpaper. 


This photo is a repost of a photo I took last fall in NYC.  I love this idea of bringing dimension to the outside of a window with texture. 


The flower light set on the right I found at Big Lots.  These would be eye catching in a spring window display.


 The hardware store had bundles of wood used for fencing – seen in the right hand side of this photo.  I like the idea of constructing a wood fence to which you can add some AstroTurf and fake flowers to create a nice outdoorsy garden scene.  I also love the roll of silver material on the left – but let’s save that for a Halloween.

Finally, just for fun I love the YoYo’s.  They remind me of simple childhood pleasures!  I would buy a bunch of these and suspend them from fishing line in a window display, creating a YoYo curtain of sorts.  I love the colors and the nostalgia they lend to playing outside as a kid.

After a tough winter here on the east coast, I look forward to welcoming a new season with open arms.  Embrace color, texture and new display ideas this spring.

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