Marketing in micro-moments - Snowsports Industries America

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Marketing in micro-moments

August 13, 2015 | 0 Comments

Mobile has forever changed the way we live, and it’s forever changed what we expect of brands. It’s fractured the consumer journey into hundreds of real-time, intent-driven micro-moments. Each one is a critical opportunity for brands to shape our decisions and preferences. Google has been researching and talking to real people, with real needs in real moments and their insights are completely relevant to the outdoor industry. Here’s a look:

People evaluate purchase decisions in-the-moment

Fact: 82% of smartphone users turn to their phone to influence a purchase decision while in a store.

Sport Chek are leading the charge to affect this consumer behaviour through digital disruption. We took a deeper look at their highly digitized flagship stores recently in our article “Digital Disruption and the Retail Experience

People solve unexpected problems in-the-moment

Fact: 62% of smartphone users are more likely to take action right away toward solving an unexpected problem or new task because they have a smartphone.

People pursue big goals in small moments

Fact: 90% of smartphone users have used their phone to make progress toward a long term goal or multi-step process while “out and about.”

There are loads of examples of apps and sites that allow outdoor enthusiasts to track their goals and progress. We wrote last year about seeing more and more relevant, targeted apps helping different types of outdoor enthusiasts or fitness seekers meet their goals. An example is the Mountain Athletics App from The North Face that allows you to train alongside TNF’s athletes with “how-to” videos and customized training programs.

People try new things in routine moments

Fact: 91% of smartphone users turn to their phone for ideas while doing a given task.

Again, the outdoor brand and recreation providers have the perfect opportunity to help customers try new things in the moment. From fishing apps to running apps – there are so many ways for brands to be there with customers in their routine moments (like running or working out) and provide them with ideas, guidance or challenges.

What you can do

If you’re a retailer, a manufacturer or a recreation provider, there are ways to capitalize on these micro-moments. The goal is for you to be there when your customers need you. Here are some ideas to start taking action:

1. Make a moment’s map

Identify a set of moments you want to win or can’t afford to lose. Examine all phases of the consumer journey to map moments when people want to find inspiration, learn about your products, make a quick purchase, or anything in between.


2. Understand your customer needs in-the-moment

For each moment you want to win, put yourself in the consumer’s shoes. Ask “What would make this easier or faster? What content or features would be most helpful for this moment?”

We saw with our client Jay Peak Resort last year that the process of arrival and checking in for first timers to the resort was challenging and causing frustrations. We reacted by identifying the pain point, developing a simple solution to address it and finding the right touchpoints and the right moments to share this content with the consumer. (Watch the video here) The result has been obvious; fewer complaints, higher satisfaction scores with new guests and overall better connection to the brand pre-arrival.

3. Use context to deliver the right experience

Leverage contextual signals like location and time of day to deliver experiences and messages that feel tailor-made for the moment. The best examples in retail tend to be about greeting customers as they walk in store, sending proximity-based offers and coupons, giving customers access to loyalty program-related information, enabling contactless payment or up selling relevant products.

Marriott International recently added two features to its loyalty program in the USA – LocalPerks and FlashPerks. These features link social media activity on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to loyalty points. Beacons placed around the lobbies and other areas push out on-property offers specific to the hotel. The flash deals portion of the program, FlashPerks turns reward points into virtual currency that can be used to buy deals and branded experiences.


Another example is  from Tesco (the grocery store giant) piloting beacons in some locations as part of an experiment with a specific app called MyStore. The app allows customers to create a shopping list at home and, when they arrive at a store, beacons notify them about their online order being ready for pickup. This way they aim to use push messaging to add value to their customers’ shopping experience.



Company Description: Origin Design + Communications is a full-service digitally driven, creative and marketing agency specialized in outdoor sports and tourism. We have a deep understanding of outdoor enthusiast consumers and how to connect with them. Find out more at


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