SIA Membership Year is Coming to An End. Is Your Company Renewed? - Snowsports Industries America

Industry News

SIA Membership Year is Coming to An End. Is Your Company Renewed?

May 21, 2015 | 0 Comments


Your SIA Membership expires on May 31. We don’t want to see you go. To continue experiencing all that SIA has to offer, renew your membership today by contacting Pat Grenke at [email protected]

We are here for you your-round, helping to grow your business, participation and the overall well-being of the industry. Review The Blue Book to find all of your membership benefits. 

The Blue Book

“The great thing about SIA is that they work hard for you. Want to connect the media who write about skiing and snowboarding? They have the contact list. Want to see exact data on trends in the industry? They’ve got that too. Want a directory of all the brands that occupy the same space as yours, or a directory of the people behind those brands? Done.”
Tom Winter, VP Marketing, Liberty Skis


How is SIA your Partner, Resource and Advocate?

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#SIAtalks With Josh Walker of Bern Unlimited from SnowSports Industries America on Vimeo.

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