Every year, the snow sports gathers for 7 days under the Colorado Convention Center in Denver and Copper Mountain to unveil innovations, collaborate, educate, inspire and deepen relationships that move this industry forward. With over 20,000 Show and Demo attendees, 115 new exhibitors, 733 media and 1,000+ brands present, the SIA Snow Show’s culture and energy proved to be the epicenter for the entire snow sports community.

The numbers above only skim the surface of the magnitude of the SIA Snow Show. With over 100 events, elite athletes, category-specific neighborhoods and educational opportunities to expand knowledge and growth for all in attendance, the SIA Snow Show once again proved to be a can’t-miss event.
The SIA Snow Show is YOUR show. As a member of SIA, your investment to the industry helps shape it through a variety of initiatives including research, national consumer events, partnerships and collaborations as well as committee and task force meetings.
We created the 2016 Rewind as a chance to reflect on all that went on inside the convention center walls in a cohesive format. We’d like to think you had the chance to attend every party (that’d just be impressive) or say hi to every athlete on the Show floor, or attend all of the educational seminars, but at most, we hope that you can relive some of the 2016 Snow Show hype with this integrated piece.
Kick back and enjoy…

Save the dates for 2017 | SIAsnowshow.com
January 25 | Industry + Intelligence
January 26-29 | Snow Show & Sourcing Snow
January 29-31 | On-Snow Demo