DIY Wednesday: It's In The Bag - Snowsports Industries America

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DIY Wednesday: It's In The Bag

August 5, 2015 | 0 Comments

I spotted this display last week. Super simple to execute and communicates quickly what the current promotion is inside the store.

To me, the shopping bag instantly connects a sale with a purchase. And I like how they used masking tape to affix the bags to the glass. I like that it shows. Consider using washi tape or even a brightly colored duck tape to add some extra color to your display. Stencils and spray paint can be used to create messages on the bags.

This is inexpensive, easy and something you can do without having to have a bunch of supplies on hand. Plus this can be used for back to school. Consider hanging backpacks in the window instead with clear plastic suction cups found at many hardware stores.

Happy merchandising!


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