April 22nd marks Earth Day’s 46th year of celebration with more than 190 countries participating worldwide. In a unique way, our industry’s constant reminder of its environmental fragility has made us a perfect advocate for sustainability best practices. Each year a number of our member companies, big and small, not only implement environmentally conscious manufacturing procedures, but promote advocacy directly to their consumers.As a result, the winter sports market has been given a voice within a globally recognized issue. Still with the 2016 season nearly behind us, and the northeast struggling from their lack of snow, Earth Day serves as a much needed reminder that there is more work to be done.
At the January 2016 Snow Show, SIA Sessions sat down with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Public Administrator Gina McCarthy as she discussed the need for challenging current policies and continuing to push our industry forward.

Many companies within snowboarding have been taking the cue to promote sustainability, whether that’s through the products they are making, the process in which they are making them, or by speaking out to influence change. Patagonia, Mervin Manufacturing, C3 / CAPiTA, Burton, and the list goes on, have all been playing their part in this effort to protect our natural world, as Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Public Administrator Gina McCarthy explains in our recent interview with her at the 2016 SIA Snow Show.
“You’ve got a big industry here that drives a lot of money into the economy and a lot of jobs,” says McCarthy. “It’s about recognizing that our core value is to maintain the outdoors, and maintain the natural world.”

EPA Public Administrator Gina McCarthy at the 2016 SIA Snow Show opening morning ceremony.
Organizations like Protect Our Winters, alongside SIA, have been working with athletes, ambassadors, and companies to interject the snow sports industry’s voice into the conversation. According to McCarthy, this type of activism, along with “voting” with your wallet, and making eco-conscious choices in your day to day life, are all adding up to make a difference.
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