Inclusion Training - Session 16 with Dr. Gerilyn Davis: Determine Monthly, Weekly and Daily Goals - Snowsports Industries America

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Inclusion Training – Session 16 with Dr. Gerilyn Davis: Determine Monthly, Weekly and Daily Goals

January 7, 2021 | 0 Comments

January 7, 2021

Happy New Year SIA Members!

I sincerely hope everyone had a joyous holiday season and are ready for a new beginning in 2021. While we are still navigating the remnants from 2020 that will more than likely linger for some time, I am always eager for a new year.

Whether you believe in new years resolutions or not, the intention to be or do more is a natural progression as we evolve. Even as I reflect on my journey, the person I was even in December 2020 has progressed. I continue to recognize how change is possible.

In this new year of 2021, let’s take a moment to see the adventure in taking on more inclusive behaviors. Make a declaration to explore the idea of who we are becoming as inclusion becomes a part of our daily habits, and the path becomes the goal.

It’s miraculous when we grasp the importance of normalizing failure and our ability to course-correct our behaviors. We then become empowered within our inclusive journey and recognize inclusion equates to one step at a time.

In this session, you will finalize your Monthly, Weekly, and Daily goals. You may have already embarked on several activities. What have you learned about yourself? Have you been using your strengths to identify your goals? If you are challenged with the goal segment, utilizing your strengths is the way to go.

Lastly, think through the idea of creating an expectation of inclusivity by utilizing the Pygmalion Effect in your efforts as well as reading the article on how to normalize failure.

Countless concepts at one point or another appeared impossible until we believed they were possible.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions at [email protected] – I would love to hear from you!

Have a great day!

Dr. Gerilyn Davis

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