Inclusion Training - Session 20 with Dr. Gerilyn Davis: Action Research Cycles 5.4 - Snowsports Industries America

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Inclusion Training – Session 20 with Dr. Gerilyn Davis: Action Research Cycles 5.4

February 4, 2021 | 0 Comments

February 4, 2021

Hi SIA members,

I sincerely hope you are having a joyous week, day, or month! We have several action research cycles left in the complete series. The focus within this session and the continuing session is to impact four business functions: strategy, financials, operations, and marketing. Most often, inclusion becomes embedded in the operations component as an innate business function, but inclusion is so much bigger than that.

In the next several sessions, we discuss tactics for each business function and how we can create an impact tailored to your specific business model. When inclusion is not holistic, exclusionary dynamic surfaces because specific perspectives become excluded. Inclusion is not just a department or committee’s focus, inclusion must be the entire organization’s responsibility.

I’ve provided several resources for your consideration:


In this video, we concentrate on embedding inclusion in your strategy, financials, operations, and marketing. Inclusion is only sustainable when embedded in every aspect of the business, only then does transformation happen.

SIA Inclusion Training Session 20 webinar from Snowsports Industries America on Vimeo.


Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!


Dr. Gerilyn Davis ([email protected])

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