Inclusion Training - Session 21 with Dr. Gerilyn Davis: Action Research Cycles 5.5 - Snowsports Industries America

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Inclusion Training – Session 21 with Dr. Gerilyn Davis: Action Research Cycles 5.5

February 11, 2021 | 0 Comments

February 11, 2021

Hi SIA members,

I can’t express enough how this has been a joy to guide you on your inclusive journey! I know there has been so much content conveyed and a lot to digest as we’ve unpacked several topics, but I want you to know it is a privilege to assist you in your inclusive efforts.

We have only three more sessions left until we conclude the Sword© inclusion system. What I believe is most profound about this system is that it is continuous and reinvented as the system occurs.

In business, there is this concept that what gets measured gets managed, the challenge with this concerning inclusion is that it’s often intrinsic, therefore, difficult to measure. I challenge the statement with what gets tracked gets transformed. If we can call into our recollection our starting point on this journey and where we are now, we can witness our transformation.

SIA Educational PHASE FIVE AR Cycles 5.1 – 5.10

In this segment, we will concentrate on operations that play a pivotal role in embedding inclusion in business functionality. We will discuss in this segment workplace inclusion, inclusive hiring, and psychological safety.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions! I am always eager to hear from you.

Have a great day!


Dr. Gerilyn Davis ([email protected])

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