Welcome to the SWORD © Inclusion system.
Preparing for the Journey! PHASE ONE: Individual: MIND / EMOTIONS
Hello, my name is Dr. Gerilyn Davis and I want to welcome you to the SWORD © Inclusion Consulting System.

I want you to know that I am simply delighted to be guiding you in your inclusive journey. The purpose of the SWORD system is to cut through the layers of inclusion by concentrating on developing relationships. As an HR / Management professional with 16 years of experience and consulting for the last seven of those years, I have discovered that the key to creating inclusion is our ability to connect. The system is designed with a holistic point of view that incorporates the mind, body, soul, and emotions. I also concentrate on a systematic approach, therefore, addressing the individual, team, and organizational influences. I leverage our ability to think, feel, and act on inclusive behaviors as well as create a clear definition of inclusion.
For the next six months, I will provide weekly resources, tools and instruction to guide you into gaining perspective on the power of connection. On a bi-weekly basis, I will provide a video that directs you through the SWORD Inclusion System phases. Connection involves honoring our respective differences and more importantly appreciating those differences. We are ALL different, and therefore it makes us the same. Also, inclusion includes EVERYONE, hence inclusion includes you too. Throughout this process, I will concentrate on equipping you with the tools to navigate our encounters with one another. I utilize two foundational approaches: strength-based and positive psychology.
Ultimately, inclusion happens one conversation, one relationship, and one connection at a time. Take this first week and begin to think about inclusion, what does inclusion look like to you? How does it feel to you? And, what can you do about it? Take this first week and we will be sure to prepare you for what is next to come. Let the inclusion journey begin!