Brandlive Video Questions & Updates - Snowsports Industries America

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Brandlive Video Questions & Updates

May 31, 2017 | 0 Comments

Thanks to everyone that joined SIA’s Nick Sargent for our Brandlive video event. One thing we’ve heard from all our members is that “better and transparent communication” is needed and this is one step in getting there! SIA will be  providing regular updates, video events and communicating SIA’s successes, challenges and progress through all our channels. Winter is a 365 day / year job and SIA is always in the trenches!


We had a number of great questions, comments, feedback and a few folks simply chimed in to say “awesome!” in regards to the Snow Show being acquired by Emerald Expositions. SIA is in full force moving forward with our work, rest assured! Here are all the questions from the Brandlive event – you’ll notice the first question is how to see it, so if you haven’t, take a few minutes to do so:

Where can I see a replay of the Brandlive webcast?

For more information on the sale of the Snow Show and other related information, watch:


What are the definitive dates for the January 2018 combined show in Denver?

January 25-28, 2018, are the definitive dates. The on snow demo is January 29-30, 2018, at Copper. There was an error in Nick’s Notes. Sorry for the confusion.


How will this affect the summer OR Show and will SIA get more involved in this as well?

At this point, SIA is not taking any role in summer OR. However, we will investigate what options exist for SIA members and will report back.


When can we see the floor plan? Will returning SIA members be given space preference for their prior booth locations at the new OR Snow Show?

The floor plan will be one of the most important elements for the 2018 show. As you can well imagine, with the consolidation of two shows, this will be a major undertaking.     While priority/historical placement and booth design will be taken into account as best as possible, SIA will be working with Emerald to ensure that the floor plan is as efficient and effective as possible for the exhibitors and buyers. It is inevitable that some people will be thrilled with the new plan and some will be unhappy, but we will do our best for our members. We look forward to sharing the plan in the coming months, but in the mean time, we appreciate your patience and giving us the time and space to get it done.


Can you eliminate the overlap with ISPO in the future?

We are in regular communication with the organizers of ISPO and do our best to communicate the challenges created by overlap and the need for an efficient global calendar. Ultimately, ISPO sets its own dates.


Will the members see any of the proceeds of the Snow Show?

No, according to SIA bylaws the monies will be reinvested back into the organization. SIA plans to use the funds for the development of tools and programs in support of member business and to help the industry thrive.   In the short term, the monies will be managed as follows:

  • For a period of 3 years, a limited amount of funds will be used to run operations until new programs are in place for new revenue streams.
  • Reinvestment of funds back into the industry, as it relates to SIA Strategic Plan (see latest edition of Nick’s Notes).
  • A baseline of the proceeds will be put into an investment fund for a perpetual source to fund long term plans.

A formal plan will be presented to the SIA board on July 25, 2017. We look forward to sharing this plan with the members when it is approved.


Will SIA be doing Regional Shows?

SIA will be looking at how it can better support and/or compliment the existing regional shows. Education, on-snow demos and consumer activations are all concepts that SIA is looking at providing in the future.


We had a new registration system last year – will we have a new one again?

The combined show will utilize Emerald’s registration system.


If we have not exhibited at the SIA show, are members and normally exhibit at ORWM…can we still book a booth at SIA rates?

To be clear, SIA members can book booth space at last year’s rates until 11:59pmMT tonight (May 31)! Any bookings starting tomorrow, must go through Emerald and are subject to a $2/ sq. ft. price hike (for SIA members) and a much more significant price hike for non-SIA members.


Will the SSL/SMC WSM show be affected?

Emerald has assured us that they have every intention to continue to work with the buying groups/WSM in the same or similar capacity in for 2018 and beyond.


Do you plan to make any changes/improvements to the Copper On Snow?

Yes, it is our intent to expand the Copper Demo. We are in the process of evaluating the options and look forward to sharing shortly.


Is GES the official provider of booth set up’s?

Freeman is the official trade show producer for Emerald.

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