Outdoor Retailer + Snow Show Stays in Denver - Snowsports Industries America

Industry News

Outdoor Retailer + Snow Show Stays in Denver

July 6, 2017 | 0 Comments

As I am sure, most of you have seen, today Emerald re-confirmed the date and location that we originally announced for the 2018 Outdoor Retailer + Snow Show. We are also pleased to see that the show will remain in Denver for the foreseeable future! This is great news for our industry! We hope this puts to rest any doubt as to the future location of the show.

SIA brought the Snow Show to Colorado in 2010. Since then SIA, Denver and the state have worked together to build the best platform for the winter business. We should all be proud of what we have created in Denver and take a moment to recognize that the Snow Show was the foundation for today’s announcement.

And as you all know, this didn’t just happen overnight. Long before I came to SIA, the possibility of a consolidated show was a recurring topic. And it was one of my first initiatives when I joined SIA two years ago. I applaud the time, energy and support that the industry has put into making the decision to consolidate. We are excited to see all the benefits that a combined show will bring to the industry, come to fruition.

I also want to recognize the city of Denver. For the last seven years, they have not only been an incredible host to the Snow Show, but more importantly they have been an outstanding partner to SIA and the winter industry as a whole. We are thrilled that we can continue to work with them through the Outdoor Retailer + Snow Show, and that we can continue to grow our relationship with Colorado by making Industry + Intelligence and the On-Snow Demo premier events in the country (and the world!).

As a quick reminder, here are the dates for 2018. 2019 and beyond will be released shortly.
January 24, 2018: SIA Industry + Intelligence Day
January 25 – 28, 2018: Outdoor Retailer + Snow Show
January 29 – 30, 2018: SIA On Snow Demo at Copper Mountain

Once again, congrats to the industry on the show remaining in Colorado and enjoy the rest of your holiday week!



Here’s the official scoop:

Park City, UT (July 6, 2017) – SnowSports Industries America (SIA) is proud to support the decision for the Snow Show to remain in Denver, Colorado.

Emerald Expositions, LLC (“Emerald Expositions”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Emerald Expositions Events, Inc. (NYSE: EEX), producer of Outdoor Retailer and a leading U.S. business-to-business trade show and conference producer, has selected Denver, Colorado for the site of all Outdoor Retailer tradeshows, including Outdoor Retailer + Snow Show. SIA’s leading industry education day of Industry + Intelligence and the iconic On Snow Demo will be a part of the Denver show.

“SIA is thrilled that the Outdoor Retailer + Snow Show will remain in Denver,” says Nick Sargent, president of SIA. “In 2010, SIA brought the 50 year old Snow Show to Colorado. Since then SIA, Denver and the state have worked together to build the best platform for the winter business, thereby laying the foundation for this announcement. Denver has been an outstanding partner to SIA and the winter industry, and we are excited to help grow the economic impact that the Outdoor Retailer shows and the SIA on-snow demo bring to the state.”

The winter sports industry creates over 695,000 jobs and over $72.5 billion in spending to drive the industry. SIA is committed to an on-the-ground approach to not only supporting the industry, but enabling us to thrive and grow. Being based in Park City, Utah, with staff in VT and the D.C. area, sponsoring the Snow Show in Denver, and supporting our membership worldwide, SIA’s know-how and dedication to the winter sports industry is rooted in locations that support the industry.  SIA originally committed to keeping the trade show base in Colorado through 2030, as announced in January, and is excited to continue the commitment through Emerald. As SIA continues to operate the Industry + Intelligence education platform and the On Snow Demo, there are opportunities for a more dynamic and growing outreach to members and the end consumer.

Dates for the 2018 Outdoor Retailer + Snow Show are:
January 24, 2018: SIA Industry + Intelligence Day
January 25 – 28, 2018: Outdoor Retailer + Snow Show
January 29 – 30, 2018: SIA On Snow Demo at Copper Mountain

SIA and Emerald are working on future dates to accommodate the iconic On Snow Demo and Industry + Intelligence events as part of the Outdoor Retailer + Snow Show.

About SnowSports Industries America
SnowSports Industries America (SIA) is a non-profit member-owned trade association that works year-round with snow sports suppliers, retailers, resorts, reps and service providers to develop products and programs that support individual and collective business needs. Through research, education, consumer outreach, retail support and participation initiatives, SIA drives industry growth. Also a producer of gatherings vital to the health of the snow industry, SIA annually hosts the On-Snow Demo/Ski-Ride Fest, the Industry + Intelligence Day. Learn more at Snowsports.org.

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