SIA at Summer OR 2021 - The Boom Is Just Beginning - Snowsports Industries America

Education Event

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The pandemic has given the outdoor industry a tremendous gift: a new generation of outdoor enthusiasts looking to get more involved and connect with the community around their sport. Hear how the outdoor, snowsports, and bike industries are reaching this growing audience and embracing technology to engage with the new enthusiasts and build community. Our panel will discuss consumer trends and outline clear, actionable opportunities to keep the momentum going. The boom is just the beginning!


  • Dr Jennifer Boldry, Applied Innovation Manager, Naxion
  • Tobie DePauw, PeopleForBikes
  • Patrick Hogan, Bicycle Industry Research Manager, PeopleForBikes
  • Stephanie Maez, Managing Director, Outdoor Foundation
  • Nick Sargent, President, Snowsports Industries America

In person at the Outdoor Retailer Summer tradeshow, Denver Convention Center, Room 400.