Share. Register. Win: Your Chance at $300 Has Never Been Easier - Snowsports Industries America

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Share. Register. Win: Your Chance at $300 Has Never Been Easier

December 21, 2015 | 0 Comments

Getting to the SIA Snow Show in Denver is one thing but how about not spending a dime once you’re there? We all have to eat, drink and be merry with industry friends during  4 Show so why not have us cover those expenses? Here’s your chance to win a $300 Gift Card – yes, beautiful, cold, hard, cash (well sort of). 

We’re a pretty social industry. So let’s take it to Instagram & Twitter to enter the #SIA16 #WhyIGo Contest!

All you have to do is post a photo or tweet to us at @siasnowsports by telling us why you come to the SIA Snow Show. If this is your first year, tell us why you’re stoked and what you’re looking forward to!


Enter the #WhyIGo Contest

SIA Snow Show Industry Sales Reps

*Make sure you’re registered for the 2016 SIA Snow Show: 

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